Did You Know I Am Just Like You?

I know the value of social media. I know I need it to keep me out there when I cannot be “out there” networking. And even when I am out networking it gives a boost to what I am already doing because it keeps me in front of people I may not run into.

Right now, social media marketing keeps us out in front of potential clients. It’s that and online meetings that are keeping us connected right now. Social media is also a great way for us to share information that someone else might find valuable.

I am also like you because I find it almost impossible to get my social media posted myself. I keep thinking I will get to it, but I Procrastinate! I put it on my To Do List almost every day. And guess what, I often find other tasks jump in the way and it ends up not getting done, sound familiar?

So, then what? The result is lost opportunity to connect with people though social media. If we are not making connections, then we are not working On our businesses.

So many of us have awesome products or services to offer but if we don’t market them well then it is just a thing that no one knows about. We are our own best kept secret.

Ok so what do we do, we pay someone with marketing skills to do it for us because we lose more in the long run by not getting it done. And because Social media is the most cost-effective marketing method that a small business can use.

Which brings us to the question of how do you choose the right person to run your social media? They don’t need to have strong knowledge of your product, but it does help. They definitely need marketing knowledge. Just because someone uses social media does not mean they have any clue as to how to correctly market your business. Because small business, like ours, cannot afford the luxury of failing often. We need to be sure our advertising budget is working for us.

Trying to make the choice for your business? Who to hire as your content manager or customer advocate? What platforms will work best for your business?  What scheduler makes the most sense for you?

Here are a few things to answer first:

  1. What type of business do you have? Who is your target audience?
  2. What are their demographics? How can you reach them? What is their preferred platform?
  3. What is your audience looking for? What do they want to know?
  4. Research your competitor’s social media. What works for them and what does not?
  5. Evaluate schedulers and choose the one that best fits your needs.
  6. Set aside time every other day to interact with your followers on each of your platforms.
  7. Set goals for three months the reevaluate.
Still have questions about your social media marketing? We are to help find the answers for you.

About the Author
